Online Workshop

Money - Sex & Power


With or without, neither works….
Understanding the paradox of our real life in depth.

We are faced daily with the terms sex, money and power.

Whether we like it or not these powers are ingrained in us collectively.

How do we deal with them without losing ourselves and without lying to ourselves?

How do we find a way to dance authentically with society and with ourselves?

Are you allowed to enjoy money, sex and power, or are these elements of life not spoken about, and everyone is left alone dealing with them in their own way?
Who has had lessons in school regarding these topics?

These imprints are deeply rooted and during this workshop we’ll be dealing with these topics individually.

The basic powers of our being penetrate our life and the speechlessness of the toxic shame often clouds the clear understanding of the real powers of our existence.
The individual of our nature wants to explore these areas without shame that we can express ourselves truly.  Perhaps we can understand our old habits and beliefs better and can integrate them in a new way into something more coherent.

During this workshop we will give opportunities to explore our limitations and our understanding in regard to money, sex and power in a new way.

Inner explorations, joint experiences, awareness without intention, and curiously exploring with the courage to discover something new.

Our refined language of our comprehension will assist us when we turn to these topics.

Let’s listen to ourselves on a body based way, let’s appreciate our individual differences and let’s connect our awareness with new actions.

The individual togetherness of BEING will support us in growing further.

For who?

  • If you can well understand the feelings described above or have had the experiences described.
  • If you as a coach, doctor, and therapist increasingly want to be in a position to better understand the possibly surprising reactions of clients and patients in order to be able to deal with them in a more sensitive and supportive way.
  • If you like to improve the ability to relate differently in both private and professional life through a gain in clarity and personal orientation.


  • Develop awareness of one’s own resources in dealing with money, sex & power.
  • Creating awareness around the stumbling blocks in your daily life.
  • Personal process work regarding these topics
  • Develop awareness around toxic shame in relation to these topics.
  • Guided meditations

Are you eager to learn how you can deal with Money, Sex and Power?

Dates and registration