Is it easy for you to share your deepest thoughts with your partner or best friend?
Do you feel comfortable when someone you have a romantic relationship with gets close to you emotionally?
Do you often look for the needs and wishes of (others) the other person and take little account of what you want?
Do you rather like to be alone then getting lost in a relationship?
As children, we learned skills to ensure our survival. Depending on how our upbringing (parents, educators…) reacted, we adapted our tactics. John Bowlby, a British psychiatrist, studied the attachment of children to their upbringing and classified it into 4 attachment styles.
Even as adults, these bonding styles appear in our dealings with others.
In this open training we take time to orient in the here and now. The 4 attachment styles will be discussed and we will go deeper into each style with concrete exercises and practical examples.
No prior knowledge is needed.